Week# and Date
Helpful Links
Week #1
- Introduction & Course Overview
Research Plan
- What is a research proposal?
- Create scientific questions.
Scientific Literature*
- Finding and retrieving articles
- Literature types
Faculty Resources at FGCU
Meers, M.B., Demers, N.E. and Savarese, M. (2003/2004). Presenting the Scientific Process: Introducing Philosophy, Theory, Methods and Ethics of Science. Journal of College Science Teaching 33:3:34-39 Available with permission from the publisher
Science versus Non-science
- Sagan, C. 1996. The most
precious thing. Chapter 1 in The Demon Haunted World.
- Park, R. 2000. The Belief
Gene: In which science offers a strategy for sorting out the truth.
Chapter 2 in Voodoo Science |
- Are there different types of literature?
- Retrieving journal articles
- Sample
proposal questions/titles
- Opening Questionnaire (bring to
class on second day)
- Faculty Resources at FGCU - see the 'science faculty' button in the header for science fauclty interests-consult the experts to help refine your question-
Take the Science attitudes survey on ANGEL
Discussion points about Sagan and Parks readings |
Week #2
- What is science?
- Science vs. non-science
Critically Evaluate Scientific Paper – focus on research
questions and bibliographies
Peer-Review Process Begins
- Peer review Bibliography
Evaluating Scientific Papers
- Janick-Buckner, D. 1997. Getting
undergraduates to critically read and discuss primary literature *avail. on www from the author's webpage
Evaluate Scientific Paper |
- Retrieving journal articles
- Critical Evaluation Guidelines
- Leading a Discussion
(For Paper Critique
-Resource guide for Scientific Process
- Example
proposal questions/titles- this where you want to go!
- Take ANGEL Quiz on Janick Buckner reading
Submit a piece of primary literature to ANGEL drop box for consideration of in-class critical review
IRB representative to class
IACUC representative to class
Week #3
Peer Review Process
- Peer Review Annotated Bibliography
Critically Evaluate Scientific Paper – outline an
Evaluate Scientific Paper
- Retrieving journal articles
- Critical Evaluation Guidelines
- Proposal Description
- Sample
- Sample
Introduction Outlines
- Bibliography due Thursday with 5 annotations
Week #4
Peer Review Introduction Outline
Developing Introduction
Critically Evaluate Scientific Paper – focus on Introduction
& Methods
Evaluate Scientific Paper
- Critical Evaluation Guidelines
- Proposal Description
- Sample
Introduction Outlines |
- Annotated Bibliography due
Introduction Outline due week 5 day 1 bring a copy to class |
Week #5
Peer Review Methods Outline
Developing Methodology
Critically Evaluate
Scientific Paper
(Methods, Results & Discussion)
Evaluate Scientific Paper
- Critical Evaluation Guidelines
- Proposal Description
- Leading a Discussion
(For Paper Critique
Example of Methods |
Introduction due week 5 day 2
Week #6
Peer Review Introduction
Research Objectives
Evaluate Scientific Paper
- Critical Evaluation Guidelines
- Proposal Description
- Leading a Discussion
-(For Paper Critique
- Introduction Peer Review
Week #7
Peer Review Research Objectives, Methods and CV
Table of Contents
Evaluate Scientific Paper
- Proposal Description
Experimental design/data analysis powerpoint
Experimental design/data analysis handout
- Data Analysis PowerPoint
Peer Review of Methods
Statistics Flow chart
Data Analysis worksheet
- Sample CV
CV Template
- Research Objective & CV
Peer Review Guidelines.
CV and Research objectives and peer review of same |
Week #8
Types of Science
- Types of Science
- Falsification vs Historical Science
- Basic and Applied Science
- Broader Implication
Types of Science
- Cleland, C. E. 2001. Historical science, experimental science and the scientific method.
*avail. on www
- Chalmers, A. F. 1982. Ch. 4: Introducing Falsificationism.
Proposal checklist
- Cover sheet (include this
coversheet as the first page of your submission)
-peer review first submission |
- On-Line Angel Quizzes
(Cleland & Chalmers)
Week #9
-- 1st full Submission for peer review—-BRING copy to class
1st Submission
Week #10
Scientific Presentation
Theories as structures: Kuhn's Paradigms (read this one first)
Kuhn, 1962 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Bring typed answers to the following to class:
What does Kuhn mean by a scientific revolution? (1 paragraph)
Does science progress? What do you think? (1 paragraph) |
Week #11
Funding panel review and assignment
Funding Panel begins
- Funding
Funding Panel papers for review
Last Day to Drop Classes---
Week #12
Scientific Assumptions
Scientific Ethics
Scientific Ethics
- Fuchs and Macrina 2005. Ethics and
the Scientist
déjà vu plagiarism paper
- Couzin-Frankel & Grom 2009. Plagiarism
- On-Line Angel Quizzes
Week #13
Student Evaluations
Student presentation review
Final exam review
Desjardins, 1993. Ethics, Science and the Environment
Kempner, Perlis and Merz 2005. Forbidden Knowledge
- Presentation
Poster Blank
Saving to the student share
Guidelines for successful posters (powerpoint)
Week #14
Poster Do's and Don'ts
- Complete Proposal Description
Bring your computers to class this week to work on your posters-
Posters due no later than Monday at 8 AM- remember that you must be connected to the FGCU servers to save to the share drive.
Week #15
Student Presentations
(10% of your overall grade!) |
Final Submission guidelines |
Meet at the second floor or Whitaker Hall- bring treats to share-fruit, drinks, snacks. |
Week #16
Student Presentations
Final Exam potential questions
2nd Submission
T -- 10:30am - 01:15pm -- Griffin Hall 109